You’re taking the leap, and you’re diving in. It’s GO time! Here’s a couple important factors to consider when choosing your blog domain name. But first, what is a domain name? A domain name (otherwise referred to as your URL) is the that you choose (and purchase). It is
How To Make Money Blogging | Affiliate Sales
This blog post contains affiliate links. Affiliate links help keep SYWB up and running, for more information on using affiliate links in your own blog just keep reading! Ok, this is what you’re really interested in, right? Me too. It’s what I’ve always been interested in. There are people who love
Free Commercial Use Fonts
I never anticipated being a font hoarder, but here I am. My commercial use font library has grown so significantly in the last year that I can create any text based commercial product I ever dreamed of. Best of all, nobody will ever sue me for using their font in a
Blogging With Authenticity And Integrity
This might be the most important blog post I ever write for SYWB. We all want to make money, obviously. No matter how defiantly hateful you are of capitalism, that little bastard is a reality we have to deal with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be paid
How To Blog: Utilizing Social Media
This blog post contains affiliate links. Affiliate links help keep SYWB up and running, for more information on using affiliate links in your own blog click here. For a lot of bloggers, utilizing social media is the cornerstone of their business. It would be impossible to reach out to